Monday, December 27, 2010

we love snow!

First big storm of the winter and we're loving it!

new hat? yep!

still having some issues with gloves...

but not for long - too many flakes to resist!

sledding with Skyler on the grassy hill... whee!

More fun in the snow today - we're gonna build a snow princess!
xoxox xela

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Can you believe... it's my FOURTH Chanukah. But this is the first year I have a clue about the concept, which makes everything much more fun. Not that I really understand the Chanukah story. I think it's about fighting in the middle east, and an oil shortage - no, wait, that's current events. But I know something about dreidels. And latkes. I'm in charge of picking the colors of the candles for the menorah. And - my favorite part! - if I leave a slipper outside my bedroom door at night, I might find a little surprise tucked inside by morning. Now that's what I call miraculous.

Wishing you a magical season of lights and miracles.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hanging with Hazel

Sunday we drove out with Ellen for a reunion with our old friend Hazel, plus her silly older brothers, Simon and Elliott. It's too bad Hazel doesn't live closer, because we always have fun together. Hazel's got mad playground skillz: she swings, she climbs, she chases, she giggles till she drops... what more could you want in a play-date?

3/09: Hazel and I have a long history as swingers

now: we've graduated to Big Girl swings
Hazel's motto: ignore the casualties and keep swinging.

Hazel makes awesome silly faces

Hazel high
running from the Wolf-Man
that Wolf-Man will never catch us
c'mon, Wolf-man, I dare you...

group photo - WOOPS, that's not the one!

ahhh, here it is - the whole crazy gang!

Monday, October 25, 2010

fall faves

We spent a sweet October Sunday in farm country. The apples were early this year, and the farm we'd picked was all picked out... Luckily, we were directed to a nearby family orchard with plenty of red Empires and tart Goldrush apples hanging lush and heavy on the trees. After filling our bags (and scoring Phil's fresh-pressing cider) we headed back to the original farm for pumpkins, scarecrows, and cider donuts... yum.

so many apples, so little time...

picking is serious business


our first time making a scarecrow
(with flag waving - gotta love it)

Introducing "Billie" the scarecrow. Not too shabby!
(such a coincidence - she loves pink, too!)

teaching Billie some dance moves

she's got talent!

MY pumpkin
poor Tata squeezed between huge mountain men on the pumpkin wagon

a PERFECT day... thanks, Tata, for sharing it with us.

xoxo xela

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010


just peekin in, between runs to the park...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

where have all the xelas gone???


... and here!

...and HERE!

what's our little monkey up to?

One for you!

Happy Spring!
xoxo xela

Sunday, March 28, 2010


We keep forgetting to blog!

I'm blaming it on the scary, scary bell tower...

scared but brave

hasta la bell tower, baby

Sunday, March 14, 2010

dancin fool

my new BoomBox is a hit at the park... thanks, Auntie Robin!
(video coming!)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

'FREE' at last

Growing up is all about transformation. Here I am on Saturday night, a mere two year old:

Sunday morning, I woke up and turned... into a cake!

so... I'm three! aka "free" aka "a big preschool girl." I just wish Mama remembered to take more party pictures. It's fine to enjoy the moment. But I'd love a few photos of my preschool friends Skyler and Manuela (and their families)...and what about Theresa and Mary Lee, who brought Clair-Bear & "the silly boy," Owen? Stella came, too, and Tias Lynn, Kitty, and Tata, plus we finally met Breanne's boyfriend from Nebraska, Isaac. Sodenland was hopping! But you'll have to take my word for it; these are the only photos we could scrounge up:

make a wish...

and BLOW!

did it all by myself!


Abby, Sam, the birthday girl, & Tata (thrilled, hypoxic or both)

cousins - gotta love 'em!

btw, that's Manuela & Macarena in the background

more soon, if I find any more pix...
xo xelacakes