Sunday, May 20, 2007

Don't you just hate it...

when you lose your neck?

Bodies are so confusing!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mama's Day

Margery Glovin is my Abuelita, my mama Pamcita's mama.
She's a talented artist. She lives on Cape Cod and paints the
beauty she finds in the world around her.

Doesn't this sliced orange look good enough to eat?

As soon as I get some teeth,
I want to sink them into the apple on the right:

You can see more of Abuelita's work on her blog:
Margery's Watercolors and Oil Paintings

Maybe someday she'll teach me to paint.
For now, I probably need to focus on the basics -
burping and pooping and being cute.

On Mother's Day, here's to all the different kinds of mamas,
near and far, spanning time, distance and definition...

Friday, May 4, 2007

3 weeks, 3 Mamas

My 1st Mama fed and cared for me for 9 months.
She did a good job:
I was a big, healthy baby - 7 pounds!

I don't know much about her:
She was 22 and originally from Honduras,
Guatemala's neighbor to the south:

She couldn't keep me with her,
and left me in the hospital,
right after I was born
(which had to be tough,
considering how cute I am...)

Now I live in Antigua, Guatemala
with my 2nd, foster mama.
She likes to dress me up in frilly lace:

(note that she's in a comfy tee-shirt)

On March 23, I got my 3rd Mama:
Pamcita in Sodenland, USA
I haven't met her yet.
She says she's going to adopt me,
introduce me to all her family and friends,
bring me to live with her & Gabe & Athena,
be my 'forever family.'
I've got a wait-and-see attitude.
After 3 mamas in 3 weeks,
I'm taking life one Mama at a time.