Saturday, October 3, 2009

...ʞǝǝʍ sıɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ƃuıɥʇǝɯos

You know those days? the babysitter is sick, and the car is in the shop, and the rental car ordered online has the wrong (too small) car seat, so you're scrambling to daycare drop-off and pick-up by bike -- and then (of course) you get a flat. And then, you get sick. And the car still isn't fixed. Welcome to our week. Maybe it's karmic retribution. Maybe it's a cosmic F.U. from the universe. Or maybe, it's simply a reminder that all efforts at control are futile.

Control? What control? Might as well dance.


Scullybert said...

Hey I recognize the title font... did u by chance get that from my postings?
Glad you gals are feeling better...seems like a few rough weeks back there!! xoxo Catha

xela said...

Hey Catha! we found the font independently via another FB friend... pretty cool! now I'm gonna look for it on your blog, too. welcome back to NYC. (missU!)xoxo

Tina said...

how come I can't see this video...says I need to have it sent to me and accept the senders request or something....but that never happened...I mean the send...the accept comes without saying.