Saturday, April 28, 2007

In the beginning...

That's me - Xela - welcome to my world!

Right now, my world is Guatemala:
at 9:15 pm on February 28, 2007, I was born
in the Hospital del Dia Clareth in Guatemala City.

But I have big plans, big dreams...
Someday soon,
I will fly to Sodenland,
to my new family.
Stay tuned.


Unknown said...


Do you have any new pictures of Xela? What has been happening since you decided to go forward? We are all so excited for you and hope we can hear some good news soon. Any idea how long the process takes?

Hope all is well. I'll talk to you soon.



Margery said...

Hi Pam,

I started a blog called My Watercolors and left a message for Xela. I'm not sure how to get back to the blog!

Anonymous said...

Xela is a great name Pam
Shes so cute
We are very excited and cant wait for more news!

Margery said...

Hi Pam,

The latest photos of Xela are adorable. I want to hold her and hug her. Hope there will be good news soon.

Mom (Margery)

Anonymous said...

Hola Xela!!!

Somos tus tias...I'm Lynn, just another gringa, pero hablo tu idioma. Cuando regresa del trababjo, tu tia colombiana (not just another gringa) te va a escribir.

Te esperamos aqui, just over the river from your 3rd Mama's house. There's no place to park over there, so you'll have to have your own room here.

Hasta luego, chiquilla linda.

Anonymous said...

Soy tu tia Claudia, de Colombia. Soy una latina, como tu. Te voy a preparar la carne asada mas rica con la mazorca, yuca y aji que vas a probar en tu vida. (Para evitar que te vuelvas vegetariana.) Te voy a hacer tambien arepas y tamales. Te voy a ensenar a jugar naipe y domino como los que vinieron de tu madre patria, Espana. Te voy a ensenar a amar los animales. Te voy a mostrar las vacas, caballos, y toros. Y lo mejor de todo, algun dia vamos a ir a mi tierra, Colombia para que conozcas mi pais. Mucha suerte en esta nueva vida. Eres muy afortunada de tener una persona tan generosa como lo es tu madre, Pam. Wishing you were already here....
Tu tia Claudia