Monday, October 25, 2010

fall faves

We spent a sweet October Sunday in farm country. The apples were early this year, and the farm we'd picked was all picked out... Luckily, we were directed to a nearby family orchard with plenty of red Empires and tart Goldrush apples hanging lush and heavy on the trees. After filling our bags (and scoring Phil's fresh-pressing cider) we headed back to the original farm for pumpkins, scarecrows, and cider donuts... yum.

so many apples, so little time...

picking is serious business


our first time making a scarecrow
(with flag waving - gotta love it)

Introducing "Billie" the scarecrow. Not too shabby!
(such a coincidence - she loves pink, too!)

teaching Billie some dance moves

she's got talent!

MY pumpkin
poor Tata squeezed between huge mountain men on the pumpkin wagon

a PERFECT day... thanks, Tata, for sharing it with us.

xoxo xela

1 comment:

Bruno said...

Congratulations prantação like your apple pie that you spoke of Parabens like your blog very nice