yep, it's a new year, fall has been falling for weeks, and finally... we're back!
Not that life in Sodenland feels remotely under control: the Bumble is in the shop. Our brand new babysitter who was starting today instead is getting IV fluids in the hospital (gracias, Tata, for the last-minute rescue!) Childcare for tomorrow? who knows?! We're winging it, stumbling along one day at a time. Somehow, we'll figure things out. Or not.
But nothing's gonna stop this blog. Stay tuned for my latest milestones and (mis)adventures, plus flash-backs and catch-ups so you won't miss a thing.
big kisses
xoxo xela
Hey! You'll need a note from the doctor for your long absence. How'd the tie-dye t-shirts turn out?
Man, have I ever missed your updates! Glad you guys are back. I think of you both very very often!
Love, (Tia) Catha
hey Emek, I mean anonymous, you're right about the note; never too soon to start exploiting my Mom's medical license.
Catha, we miss you & think of you lots, too. let's start planning our 2016 Olympics party!
xoxox xela
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