Certainly not toddlers. They approach life with true 'beginner's mind,' the open, unbiased stance zen masters seek to reclaim.
In Xela-Land, wrapping paper may prove more exciting than the enclosed gift. A favorite possession of late is the small illustrated instruction booklet that came with a new toy. The child on the cover resembles a friend; Xela loves carrying her "Adam book" around in a pocket.
Same for travel. It's become cliché: life is a journey, not a destination. Toddlers get it. They live it. Who defines which is journey, which is destination? Who needs a destination anyway? Let's just ride the train!
fun, noun: riding the Red Line with Tata and snacks

can we ride trains every day?

enjoying the moment...
Such wisdom from one so young.
Xela, your Tia Catha is always following what you're up to, even if she's a bit invisible these days. Mamacita does a good job with the news feed. Just wait 'till she starts twittering... besotes, Tia Catha
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