Sunday, October 5, 2008


Fall in New England. Leaves, apples, pumpkins, cider... and "maizes" sculpted from cornfields. Today, we decided to get lost (though Mama didn't plan on getting lost on the drive. Extra fun.) Once we finally found the farm, we revived on apple cider donuts, then set out to explore.

1st: FLASHBACK to last October.
Fresh off the boat, I encountered my very first pumpkins:

Who was that BABY?
Check out La Princesa of the Pumpkin Patch now!

Before the punkins, we had to navigate the amazing maize:


there's food in here!

Theseus had nothin' on me!

is it safe?

awww, this is FUN!
I'll get lost with Tia Lynn any day!

Don't mess with my cob, Mama

Can we do it again?

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