Auntie Robin flew in from Las Vegas Friday to spend a day with me and Mama, before cousin Leah's Bat Mitzvah Saturday. It was cold, rainy, and raw, but we didn't care; Auntie Robin makes everything fun.
my new Vegas disco top and crackberry*
when you've got it, flaunt it...


who swims in a flannel shirt?
(silly Mama forgot her suit)
(silly Mama forgot her suit)

we went underwater and everything

crawling down the hall took too long...

so I ran, fell, got up, and ran some more!

Robin & I shared apple chips in bed

then we counted toes

it's all good

Why does Auntie Robin live so far away? She's way too cool to see only a couple times a year. Fly back soon! xoxox xela
I thought all those pictures were on MY camera and I've been meaning to send them to you! I was so surprised to see them on your blog and then I realized I was using your camera. It was great seeing you guys and I wish we could do it more often. We'll make another playdate for August when we come East.
Xela, do you ever stop smiling? You're happy all the time. No wonder - Mama does such fun things with you. I love all the pictures of you and Auntie Robin.
Devastatingly cute as always. Xela, too. (wink) Love your Victorian-style bathing attire, Pam. Xela: I have a baby-friendly place for you to swim here if you can talk Mamacita into buzzing north. —Tia Max
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