... when the infant, though still helpless, is capable of recognizing its body as a unity and imagining a state of being able to master it, evidenced by the infant's jubilant response to its own mirror reflection.
1 comment:
Hola Pam!
What a darling and chipper little girl. My heartfelt congratulations again to you and Xela Rose. You worked long and hard to make this adoption happen...I hope you both realize great benefit and bliss together for the rest of your lives.
1 comment:
Hola Pam!
What a darling and chipper little girl. My heartfelt congratulations again to you and Xela Rose. You worked long and hard to make this adoption happen...I hope you both realize great benefit and bliss together for the rest of your lives.
Muchos Besos.
Tio Conyers
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