Monday, December 27, 2010

we love snow!

First big storm of the winter and we're loving it!

new hat? yep!

still having some issues with gloves...

but not for long - too many flakes to resist!

sledding with Skyler on the grassy hill... whee!

More fun in the snow today - we're gonna build a snow princess!
xoxox xela

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Can you believe... it's my FOURTH Chanukah. But this is the first year I have a clue about the concept, which makes everything much more fun. Not that I really understand the Chanukah story. I think it's about fighting in the middle east, and an oil shortage - no, wait, that's current events. But I know something about dreidels. And latkes. I'm in charge of picking the colors of the candles for the menorah. And - my favorite part! - if I leave a slipper outside my bedroom door at night, I might find a little surprise tucked inside by morning. Now that's what I call miraculous.

Wishing you a magical season of lights and miracles.
