Sunday morning, I woke up and turned... into a cake!

so... I'm three! aka "free" aka "a big preschool girl." I just wish Mama remembered to take more party pictures. It's fine to enjoy the moment. But I'd love a few photos of my preschool friends Skyler and Manuela (and their families)...and what about Theresa and Mary Lee, who brought Clair-Bear & "the silly boy," Owen? Stella came, too, and Tias Lynn, Kitty, and Tata, plus we finally met Breanne's boyfriend from Nebraska, Isaac. Sodenland was hopping! But you'll have to take my word for it; these are the only photos we could scrounge up:

did it all by myself!
Abby, Sam, the birthday girl, & Tata (thrilled, hypoxic or both)
xo xelacakes