Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ready for the holiday!

-- I'm so excited! Tomorrow we light candles and get presents
and eat special delicious food with family and friends!!

-- umm, Xela, Chanukah is next month. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

-- we light candles?

-- Nope, not yet.

-- but we get presents.

-- Sorry, no presents either. It's a day to say Thanks for what we have.

-- what about delicious food with family?

-- YES!

-- well, that's the best one, anyway. I'm thankful that I have so
many people to love: Abby & Sam, Abuela & Abuelo, and Maggie!
and there's Aunt Gillian, Uncle Jon and Auntie Robin, and...

-- Now you've got the hang of it...

-- But I get to blow out the candles on the cake - right?

Happy Thanksgiving Eve, everyone!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Then and Now

Remember Cyrus, my first best friend, who shared Nirmala with me back in the day? We've been friends for sooo long. When we met, we didn't walk or talk. We didn't eat real food - we barely had teeth! We shared first steps, first birthdays, first bites... Confession time: Cyrus is the also the first - and only! - person I ever bit. Sorry, dude, I didn't know any better. Hey, I was a baby. We were both such babies!

Fast-forward two years: look at us now - big kids!

Today, after too many months, we met up at a park. Cyrus is more gorgeous than ever, with his brown doe eyes and sweet grin. He's a bit shy with no shortage of energy, running in happy little bursts, kicking a soccer ball around the park with impressive power and accuracy. He's also a gentle, sensitive kid who stops to admire a fallen leaf, and quickly comes running to help a crying friend. Despite demanding jobs and a new baby coming, Cyrus's cool parents somehow make it look easy. Must be a west coast thing. They plan to return to California sometime next spring. We'll miss them!

botanist at work

On the roundabout with Cyrus, with Madhulika behind us,
carrying something large and round. She's also holding a soccer ball.

Ben pushing the roundabout: Faster, Ben!

Ben taking much-deserved break on the roundabout

Time-out: mango break!

We love hanging out with these guys - and soon, there will be more of them to love! Hope we reconnect again before too long.
xoxox xela

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Nuf said.
xela (dreaming and snoring)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

old skool rules!

We are digging the vinyl with a "new" vintage-1983 Big Bird record player. After 26 years, it still cranks the tunes; they just don't make plastic the way they used to. And it's so simple, even a toddler can operate it. Our library is a bit meager, only three records so far. What Mama would give for the collection she bought at Woolworth's and Grant's with babysitting money! But we're on the prowl for more. Once you've experienced the scratchy, skippy goodness of genuine 45's, CD's seem so... sterile.

Uh oh. Not yet three and already a vinyl snob.





Shake it

even Tita's doin' it


Extreme Make-Over, Bumble-Style

At last - after 3 weeks in the shop and thousands of dollars - the stupid of crashing through a curb disguised as a snowbank has been repaired. Just in time for more snowbanks.

We're going to be very, very careful this winter.

She sure looks purty though, doesn't she, in her glistening new bumper?



Welcome back, Bumble!

Now please excuse me, I'd love to chat,
but I've got places to go...

xela (just a tiny bit nostalgic for roughing it via feet, bike, trains and buses)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Bums

Hey, LOOK!
do I spy the Bumble, finally back from the repair shop?

Wait a sec - did someone switch the plates?

OH, snap! it's Xela, decked out for Halloween!

Friday, we had a Halloween party @ school

Dalmation nation

Then Saturday, I marched in the Halloween parade with Tata

walking through the magic portal

resting on the hill and taking in the scene
Nirmala's house: the best treats!

finally! sharing the spoils

Happy Halloween, all!
