While collecting the fat stack of notarized, certified and apostille-ed documents required for international adoption, then waiting for the arcane, corruption-riddled Guatemalan adoption machine to give its (literal) stamp of approval - those months dragged like years, each week of waiting an eternity. At times, I feared Xela would never come home. (And I had a relatively quick process - especially compared to the poor families still trying to bring children home now that Guatemalan adoptions have shut down.)
Now, it's hard to remember the days Before X. It's like she's been here forever, yet forever has passed in an eye-blink: where have the weeks and months gone? who stole the baby bottles, replaced the toothless giggler with a non-stop talking-singing-chatterbox? when did my chubby patojita become a little girl? Is Xela Rose really two years old?
I also find myself thinking about Maria C. M., Xela's first mother: is she remembering the moment, two years ago today, when she pushed a new life out into the world? Is she wondering what became of her brown-haired infant daughter? Perhaps one day, we will be able to talk together about our amazing girl.
Happy Birthday, Xela Rose!
Mama made the cake, a red red red firetruck:
one, two, three - BLOW!
one, two, three - BLOW!

Tia Kitty lights her candles at both ends

looks good, but is it edible?

Alas, it was not a good day for photos, but trust me: the party ROCKED.
Nearly all my far-flung Tias came to celebrate ...
Nearly all my far-flung Tias came to celebrate ...

I'm starting my 3rd year with flowers in my hair,
a runny nose, and a grin... life is good.
a runny nose, and a grin... life is good.

Much love to all in my life, present and past...