Friday, January 23, 2009

save the penguins!

Can we talk?

A new study published Thursday in the journal Nature revealed
that Antarctica is not cooling, as previously believed.
Scientists hoped Antarctica could slow global warming
by acting as a "cool pack," due to a hole in the ozone layer.

But no! Massive ice sheets are melting. It's heating up...

That's bad news if you live on coastal Australia; bye bye, house.
But it's devastating news if you're a penguin, born with feathers that
don't become 'waterproof' for 40 days, when penguins begin to swim.
Baby penguins are being decimated, freezing to death
in recent,unprecedented rains.

So please, use less energy.
A penguin will thank you.

That's all, folks.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

sunshine from the sunshine state

Gracias, Abuela y Abuelo!
xo xela

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

yep, I'm a Pisces

the only bummer about baths is...

they never last long enough:

bye bye, boats
bye bye, duck

bye bye, water

Hey, could I have a little privacy?

keepin' it clean,

Monday, January 19, 2009

drum roll please...

How to celebrate the inauguration from afar?
We're making some BIG NOISE!!!

Feels good, doesn't it?
Let freedom ring, clang, boom and bang... the louder, the better.
(after all, starting tomorrow, it's president o-BAM-a)

xo xela

Sunday, January 18, 2009

my Nepali family

They say it takes a village to raise a child. In my case, it takes the world: I'll always have my "first family" in Guatemala. I can't imagine life without my "forever family" here in Sodenland, including all my special tias, hailing from the US, Colombia, Germany, Brasil and Canada.

Then there's my Nepali family. Nirmala has taken care of me for over a year. Since I've been going to her house while Mama works, I've been embraced as one of the family. I love them all: Nirmala, her husband Ramesh, her sons Ishan and Yayati, and all the extended family sharing treats, cell phones, hugs and kisses.

I'm even learning a little Nepalese: Dhaanya-bad, Nirmala and family!


the little empress

more TOE...

This morning, we woke up to another big storm. we're waiting for the skies to clear before going out to shovel and play. My opinion? Too.Much.Toe!

actual Xela quotes: Go Away Toe!!! Bye Bye Toe!! Oh, nooo! toe.

Meanwhile, here's a picture from yesterday. Why the big smile?Help, I'm being strangled by a penguin!

First, if you know me, you know that I'm always smiling!

Also: I have few preferences when it comes to clothes. I don't like mittens, boots, or coats. I do like blue socks (for some mysterious reason) and "bumblebees" - my favorite shoes! Every day, I ask Mama, can I wear my bumblebees? Too often lately, I have to wear snow boots. Or my 'big shoes'. Yesterday was cold, but the sidewalks were cleared of snow, so it was a bumblebee day. Sweet!

xoxo xela

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bienvenidos, 2009!

Happy New Year! It's been a whirlwind few weeks. Three snowstorms blanketed Sodenland during December's waning days.

A confession: I'm ambivalent about snow. I love looking at it, shiny and bright, on the ground and in the trees. I love gazing up through the moonroof as snow falls. I love shouting, TOE! (aka snow) each time I spy a big snowbank. But mittens, boots, snowsuit, hat? No! Freezing temperatures? No! Can we get warmer snow? Is that asking too much?

Snowstorm #1: this is fun... okay, I've had enough.

Bye bye snow.

cold, but chic

Do I have to wear my mittens?

Enjoying a transient thaw

good thing my truck has snow tires!

New Year's Eve: more TOE
will it ever stop TOE-ing?

New Year's Day: magical new snow... everyone wants a look.

Snow or no, we are excited about 2009. Much love & wishes for a healthy, happy, and bush-free new year.
