Tuesday, December 30, 2008

early Chanukah celebration

Abuela and Abuelo decamped in early December for warmer climes, just before the first big snowstorm hit. They're such smartie pants. Before they left, we celebrated an early Chanukah on the Cape, with latkes, homemade applesauce, veggie chili, brownies... all good!

sharing a laugh with cousin Sam

mmmm, Roro's mint brownies

opening presents...

a firetruck - my favorite!!!

wanna see my ladder, baby?

The Abuelos are giving me a bike (woohoo!) - details to be announced later. Back home, the Chanukah elves brought my first computer!

For me? No way...


...way cool!

Aunt Gillian, we missed you. Let's get together soon.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Chanukah, then and now...

I love Chanukah. Last year, I was mesmerized by the candles. But this year, I'm bigger. I walk, I talk, and - most important of all - I have teeth.

Which means, this year I can bite and chew and TASTE the holiday. Yumm, potato latkes (thanks, Abuela!) Mmmm, chocolate Chanukah gelt (gracias, Mama!) Chanukah is delicious. The candles are still pretty amazing, too.

One year ago, home barely a month:

and today:

watch out, menorah. this smile can light up a room for 8 days and then some...

Happy holidays!
xoxox xela

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

everything's coming up ROSEOLA

Yep, I've got a case of sixth disease aka exanthum subitum aka
roseola infantum

Not especially fun, but it could be a whole lot worse.

We'll spare you the gory details.

Instead, enjoy a flashback to rosier days:

More soon,
xela roseola
an extremely cute viral variant of roseola infantum)